Powerpress for off-the-road tyre changing, Powerworks offers a range of tyre presses which are recognised worldwide as being the safest and fastest method of demounting, mounting and inflating large tyres as fitted to mining and earth moving machinery. Requiring only one operator, this fully self contained press will demount tyres from 3 and 5 piece rims quickly and safely, regardless of the rim's rusted or corroded condition, without damage to the expensive rim sets. The tyre carrier rolls out hydraulically from the press frame and the tyre and rim are placed on the carrier. The demounting and mounting process is then carried out completely within the press with the control levers or radio remote control. There are no jacks, bead breakers, sledgehammers, crowbars or blow torches required. For tyre and rim assembly the press frame is set up to become a safety cage for tyre inflation. No other method of tyre changing offers this highly important safety feature.
EDMO for whom Powerworks have for more than three decades been the sole agent, distributor and repairer in sub Saharan Africa, have successfully repaired, refurbished and sold many as new units. Powerworks also sold the first Ultra 3500 in Africa and the first commercially sold Ultra 4500 in the world. Powerworks has gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of installation, commissioning, training, servicing, repairing and or the total refurbishing of these units. Powerworks makes use of as supplied OEM specifications, weld maps, paint and blast specs, quality materials and workmanship (coded welders and boilermakers) etc, thus our customers are assured and have piece of mind that when they entrust their units to us, be it for a minor onsite service, repair or a total major off site refurbishment, their units will be brought back to as is OEM standards boasting structural integrity and sporting a number of upgraded SAFETY features.
Incorporating state of the art built in safety features:
State of the art operator access card ensures only authorised and trained personal operate the press.
Designed to minimize the risk of falling from height, when working on large wheel assemblies.
Eliminates the need for several remotes as system all press and davit functions are controlled from one remote.
Stops press operation when beams are broken as a result of obstruction.
Strategically placed to minimize structural or catastrophic damage to moving components.
Recessed LED work lights offer safe and unsurpassed illumination in the press work area.
Assists in lifting the tyre during inflation, elimating the need to use the tyrehand.
Designed for ease of service and maintnance without the need for working at heights.
Visual and audio warning prior to and during press operation.
High visibility, indicates operational status of the press.